Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law

OSJCL Amici Board of Advisors

OSJCL Amici: Views from the Field

Crim Law Chatter

We’ve gathered news clips from around the country pertaining to criminal law and related issues in the news. We’ve provided a brief description of the story and a link to take you to the full article. This section will be updated frequently, so make sure to check back often.


Despite Being Cleared by DNA Evidence, Accused Man Must Still Register as a Sex Offender

An accused man’s “price for freedom” and the life he lives now after having been cleared, through DNA evidence, of a rape conviction but still haunted by registration as a sex offender and subject to parole.


A Vaccine to Prevent Drug Addiction?

A new vaccine claims to prevent drug addiction. If so, what implications could it have on drug prosecutions, sentencing, and drug-related crimes generally?


Using eBay for Investigation

eBay may now be an investigative tool. A man accused of stealing historic documents began selling the documents on eBay and is now facing criminal charges.


Red (Stop) Light Cameras Deemed Constitutional in Ohio

Ohio laws allowing traffic tickets to be issued for cars running red lights based on red light camera footage was deemed constitutional by the Ohio Supreme Court.


Holloway Case Reopens

The Natalee Holloway case reopens after undercover footage captures lead suspect, Joran Van de Sloot describing his involvement in the teen’s disappearance in May of 2005.


Texas Man Claims Exorcism Attempts Killed Wife

A Texas man was recently arrested for his wife’s murder and now claims the death resulted from his attempts to perform an exorcism.


What Peterson's Body Language Tells Us

Experts analyze the body language of Drew Peterson, suspected of murdering his third wife. Drew Peterson appeared on the Today Show to discuss the allegations against him and analysts critique his demeanor in this article, demonstrating the decision to appear on the show may not have had the positive PR impact Peterson’s attorney may have wanted.
